Partner with Us

GLTECH, established in 1994, is a China-based international high-tech company dedicated to becoming a global leader in multiple industrial sectors. With a focus on multiple business segments, including IoT-based production process monitoring equipment for mining and energy generation, semiconductor packaging and testing equipment, and scientific analytical instruments, GLTECH strives to provide cutting-edge technologies and customized solutions to its customers worldwide. In 2015, GLTECH was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The company currently has over 700 employees in China and more than 300 employees overseas with a total production area covers 70,000 square meters.

Company Philosophy

At GLTECH, we focus on research and innovation

At GLTECH, we focus on research and innovations. We spend about 10-15% of our revenue into research and development each year, right now we are holding more than 475 patents and 50+ software copyrights. As we are doing sensor research and studying gas analyzing methods, we are pushing the limitation of our products. We have a R&D staff composition of 47% and we have a total of 20+ laboratories and 6 research centers worldwide. We have more than 10 global branches, located in UK, Israel, US, Malaysia, Indonesia, and China.


The share of our research and development personnel is 47%.

We have more than 10 branches around the world, located in England, Israel, USA, Malaysia, Indonesia and China.


Every year we spend 10-15% of our profits on research and development.

We currently have over 475 patents and over 50 software copyrights.
Comprehensive solutions
Professional services
Advanced technique
Accurate results
29 years of outstanding achievements
China listed company
Innovate and move forward
Reputable service

Why choose us?

Through its commitment to innovation, core technologies, and customer-centric solutions, GLTECH has established itself as a leading global player in the semiconductor equipment, industrial safety equipment (mining and energy generation), and scientific analytical instrument markets. With a diverse range of products and a strong emphasis on technological advancement, the company continues to drive progress in these industries and contribute to the development of cutting-edge solutions for its customers.

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