
Mine fire is one of the main natural disasters in coal mines. Coal spontaneous combustion is the main form of mine fire, and more than 56% of mines have the danger of spontaneous combustion fire. Fires caused by coal spontaneous combustion account for more than 90% of the total number of mine fires. In recent years, the fully mechanized top-coal caving technology has been vigorously promoted and applied, greatly improving the production efficiency of coal mines. However, this method has a large caving height, a large amount of residual coal in the gob, and serious air leakage, making frequent coal spontaneous combustion fires in mines, which has become one of the main factors restricting mine safety production and further development. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of coal spontaneous combustion fires in mines is the current focus of coal mine safety work.

The prevention and treatment of coal spontaneous combustion fires in mines includes: (1) Prediction and forecasting of coal spontaneous combustion fires; (2) Taking measures to prevent and treat coal spontaneous combustion fires based on prediction and forecasting. The following briefly describes the gas analysis method for the prevention and treatment of coal spontaneous combustion fires in mines.

This method involves analyzing the concentration, ratio, and generation rate of certain gases produced during the natural ignition process of coal to predict the development trend of coal spontaneous combustion.

During the coal seam ignition process, a series of indicator gases reflecting the degree of coal oxidation and combustion will be generated, such as CO, CO2, C2H6, C2H4, C3H8, C2H2, etc. As the coal temperature rises, their production will change significantly. Therefore, GLTECH's gas analyzer can be used to measure the changes in the production of indicator gases to carry out early prediction and forecasting of coal seam fires. Currently, this work mainly relies on manual gas sampling (using GLTECH's gas chromatograph) for laboratory analysis and the use of beam tube centralized systems (automatic gas sampling for laboratory analysis) for monitoring.


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